Conferencias Recomendadas

Hoy no se pierda dentro del ACR16 las sesiones ILAR sobre innovación, a partir de las 2:30 p.m, moderadas por nuestro presidente de PANLAR, Carlo Vinicio Caballero-Uribe.

ILAR’s Executive Committee consists of the Presidents & Presidents-Elect of partner organizations ACR, AFLAR, APLAR, EULAR, & PANLAR. ILAR support programs that lead to progress in the practice & education of rheumatology where there is an exceptional need funding projects in countries represented by AFLAR, APLAR, and PANLAR providing seed money to help initiate meritorious projects #ACR16
Descubra más acerca de nosotros.
The ACR is proud to promote the PANLAR Scholarship Program in which rheumatologists from Central and South America are provided funding to attend the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting.
Social Media para Reumatólogos

Las redes sociales ayudan a difundir y compartir experiencias y conocimiento . Aprenda a usarlas mejor acá.


No olvide visitar nuestro stand en este gran evento del año, y les recordamos unirse a la conversación con el hashtag #SoyPANLAR y #ACR16.

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